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icon5.gif   Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Mike on Mon Jul 6 17:20:36 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 7 08:53:43 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Mike on Wed Jul 8 15:59:17 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Mike on Fri Jul 10 15:08:31 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jul 10 15:28:46 2009 
                icon2.gif   Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes?, posted by Mike on Tue Jul 14 14:18:45 2009 
Message ID: 66436     Entry time: Tue Jul 7 08:53:43 2009     In reply to: 66435     Reply to this: 66437
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.6-2207 
Subject: Re: Page Expired, Duplicate Entries & Thumbnail Woes? 

Mike wrote:

Have a few issues here. The big one is that I have some users of our elog books
that are in India, while the server is in USA. When they click on thumbnail images
then press their browser back-button they get a page expired message and are
unable to see what they were looking at before unless they go back to the main
page. Is this an elog problem or something with Apache?

That's strange. Normal pages are set to "pre-expire" (expiration date 1983...) which forces the browser to always load them from the server. This is necessary since someone else could have modified that page and you would look at an old page in your browser's cache. But using this, I never saw a "page expired" message. The browser simply reloads the page. Maybe if the internet connection got lost in between and the browser cannot load the page from the server, you have a problem. Attached pictures have a expiration date of +1 day. So even if you span different time zones, that should be fine. Can they try to access and see if they get the same problem there? This is my demo setup and resides in Switzerland.

Mike wrote:

Also when these users in India write messages sometimes we end up with
duplicate messages seconds apart. I'm not sure if they are pressing the submit
button repeatedly or pressing their browser back button. I've suggested they
try not to do that.

The only way to get two entries is if you submit your entries twice. The same problem exists on some credit card payment sites, which explicitly state "please be patient, don't press submit twice, don't press back". The same applies for elog. 

Mike wrote:

Last issue, is there a way to make thumbnail images open in a new window by default rather then the same window? This would help fix the first issue at least. Is there some setting to fix the page expiration/time-out issues?

No, this is not implemented right now. But if nothing else helps, I can add a new option.

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