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icon1.gif   Odd problem (bug?) with certain attribute, posted by T. Ribbrock on Tue Jul 28 16:30:46 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Odd problem (bug?) with certain attribute, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 28 16:57:39 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Odd problem (bug?) with certain attribute, posted by T. Ribbrock on Tue Jul 28 17:10:13 2009 
          icon14.gif   Re: Odd problem (bug?) with certain attribute, posted by T. Ribbrock on Wed Jul 29 13:23:41 2009 
Message ID: 66472     Entry time: Tue Jul 28 16:30:46 2009     Reply to this: 66473
Icon: Entry  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.6r2233 
Subject: Odd problem (bug?) with certain attribute 

I have the following simple test logbook:

; General
List display = Edit, Hostname, OS, Size
Entries per page = 150
Quick filter = OS
Date Format = %d/%m/%Y
Summary Lines = 0

; Attributes
Attributes = Hostname, OS, CPU,Size
Required Attributes = Hostname
Sort Attributes = Hostname

; Message part: log is text only, but elog is allowed
Default encoding = 0
Allowed encoding = 2

For some strange reasons, I'm having problems with the "Size" attribute, which I have added later. If I start adding/editing entries, at some point, the "Size" attribute will stay at "0" and will not accept any further changes. I've tried to pare down the config to maybe find which statement could be causing this, but to no avail. The only thing I can say is taht id doesn not seem to happen if the configuration consist of the sole line

Attributes = Hostname, OS, CPU,Size

I'm quite puzzled as to what is going on here (the original problems stems from a more complicated logbook) - I'm not even 100% sure whether this happens due to a bug or not.





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