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icon5.gif   ELcode in Summary Text, posted by Dan on Fri Sep 4 20:44:32 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: ELcode in Summary Text, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 7 15:18:39 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: ELcode in Summary Text, posted by Dan on Tue Sep 8 22:56:02 2009 
Message ID: 66539     Entry time: Tue Sep 8 22:56:02 2009     In reply to: 66531
Icon: Reply  Author: Dan  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.7-1 
Subject: Re: ELcode in Summary Text 
That would be a lot of effort for very little gain. I appreciate your detailed response. 

Thank you,
   - Dan

> > Hello,
> > 
> >    Thank you for such a great piece of software!
> > 
> >    When displaying the entries in a log book with Summary view, ELCode is not processed in 'Text'. I know 
> there
> > is an option called 'Allow HTML", but is there something similar for decoding ELCode in the Summary 'Text' 
> field?
> > 
> > Thank you again,
> >    - Dan
> Decoding HTML (or ELCode which translates to HTML) in the summary field is difficult, since the text is 
> truncated. 
> Assume you have some code like
> Text
> <b>Text
>   <i>Text
> ----- cut here
> </i>
> </b>
> Sot he bold <b> and italics <i> tags are opened, but closed after the cutting line. In that case the whole page 
> might render wrongly, because everything after the summary text will be displayed in bold and italics. To fix this I 
> would have to scan the HTML code and close all open tags "by hand". But since there are very many possibilities, 
> especially if one used multi-column tables, this is almost impossible without writing my own HTML parser which is 
> beyond the scope of elog. So the only clean solution I have found so far is to strip off all HTML formatting and 
> just showing plain text there.
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