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Message ID: 66567     Entry time: Thu Oct 29 20:48:41 2009
Icon: Disagree  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.7-2252 
Subject: elog crashes with a long thread. 
Hi Stefan,

I have a thread of 70 entries.  I added another entry, which was saved, but elog crashed.
It would restart, but crash every time I then tried to access that 71 entry thread.

By editing the yymmdda.log files to remove the latest entry, all was well again.
Add a test new entry (much smaller) also crashed elog as before.

If it is any help, this is the error message I caught on a console:

src/elogd.c:703: xrealloc: Assertion `*((unsigned int *) (temp + old_size)) == 0xdeadc0de' failed.
./log: line 1:  3123 Aborted    

Now I have got around this, by ending that thread with reference to a new one to continue, but is this to be

If this is something (like memory allocation) that would have been in hiding from the start, I cannot imagine
that it is likely to be hit often enough to actually "bug fix" - it might, in any case, cause problems elsewhere.
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6