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icon3.gif   Problems zooming elog pages in Internet Explorer - a possible fix, posted by Richard Stamper on Wed Nov 4 00:58:00 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Problems zooming elog pages in Internet Explorer - a possible fix, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Nov 13 15:54:21 2009 
Message ID: 66610     Entry time: Fri Nov 13 15:54:21 2009     In reply to: 66575
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.7 
Subject: Re: Problems zooming elog pages in Internet Explorer - a possible fix 

Richard Stamper wrote:

Internet Explorer fails to display correctly some aspects of pages generated by elog when the zoom functionality is used (Ctrl + and Ctrl -).  This is really a bug in the IE renderer rather than elog, but since IE can be persuaded to do better relatively easily it might be worth making some minor changes to make elog more robust when used with the buggy Microsoft browser.

The problem I encountered was initially with the multiple checkboxes for an Moptions attribute, but I noticed later it also affects the logbook tabs at the top of the screen.  If you start creating a submission to this forum in IE (7 or earlier, at least) you can see the problem; when zooming, the text labels and  the checkboxes do not scale together so start overlapping, and the same happens with the logbook tabs and the text links on them.  The problem is apparently to do with a proprietary IE concept called "layout" - see for details - and IE struggles when some elements do not have the hasLayout property set to "true".

The fix is to coerce elements to have the hasLayout element set to "true" by giving them some benign CSS property.  The best I can find is to set "display: inline-block" for some of the key elements, and this can be done by modifying default.css rather than the elogd.c code.


span {
  display: inline-block;

to default.css (e.g. just after the default style definition for the "td" element) and adding

  display: inline-block;

to the style sets for the .sltab and .ltab classes (generic, not those specific to the "a" element) seems to prevent IE doing bad things with the display when zooming without messing up the display in Firefox.  I have not tested this comprehensively or in any other browsers, but I thought it might be worth passing on.


Richard Stamper

I just tried with IE8 (don't have IE7 installed any more), and it looked to me like this has been fixed there. So this will get less a problem in the future. If people are stuck to IE7, they can made your modification themselves in the CSS file, so I guess I won't change the distribution for the moment.


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