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icon5.gif   Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Michael Dannmeyer on Tue Nov 10 13:20:43 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 10 14:21:48 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Michael Dannmeyer on Tue Dec 1 14:23:44 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Michael Dannmeyer on Tue Dec 8 13:23:58 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Dec 8 14:17:43 2009 
                icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Michael Dannmeyer on Wed Dec 9 14:35:56 2009 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Extend fields in ELOG, posted by Stefan Ritt on Sat Dec 12 20:31:44 2009 
Message ID: 66635     Entry time: Tue Dec 1 14:23:44 2009     In reply to: 66590     Reply to this: 66641
Icon: Reply  Author: Michael Dannmeyer  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2130 
Subject: Re: Extend fields in ELOG 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Michael Dannmeyer wrote:

I want to extend the usage of ELOG and have 2 Questions:

1. Is it possible to have Fields which only appears if another selection is done? e.g. I create a new entry. This new entry has a type field. If I chose the Type "ABC" another field appears where the departemnt could be choosen. If I select Type "DEF" the Department field does not appear.

2. I have a field Status. This is a predefined field with 3 entries (New,  under progress, closed). If i change the status field time, date old and new status should be logged or written in the text field. I can log this with the answer field with a new ID. But is there any other way to log it in the text field or log it with no new ID? 

Can i implement the wishes above? If yes how does it work?

Thanks for your help


1. is simple, just use conditional attributes like:

Attributes = Author, Type, Status, Revisions, Department
Options Type = ABD{1}, DEF{2}
Show Attributes Edit = Author, Type, Status, Revisions
{1}Show Attributes Edit = Author, Type, Status, Revisions, Department
{2}Show Attributes Edit = Author, Type, Status, Revisions

2. is more complicated. Have a look at FAQ # 11. Try something like:

Options Status = New, Under progress, Closed
Subst Revisions = $date status $status
Subst on Edit Revisions = $Revisions<br>$date status $status

But when testing this, I realized that there is a bug in elog and the subsitution is done before the submission, not after. I fixed that in SVN revision 2263, so it will be contained in the next Windows release.


i tried

Options Status = New, Under progress, Closed
Subst Revisions = $date status $status
Subst on Edit Revisions = $Revisions<br>$date status $status

but it won't work. When I change the status i saw an information in the status bar of Internet Explorer like "Entry has changed" (Eintrag wurde verändert) but it is not written in the notes field. Or is it written to another field?  

Do I have to update first to the latest Windows Version? You wrote something about SVN revision 2263. When do you expect the windows version where this problem is fixed is available to download?  

Best Reagrds



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