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icon7.gif   first install comments, posted by Kenneth McFarlane on Sun Jan 24 18:00:11 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: first install comments, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 25 09:28:18 2010 
Message ID: 66694     Entry time: Mon Jan 25 09:28:18 2010     In reply to: 66693
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Comment  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: Re: first install comments 

Kenneth McFarlane wrote:

I am testing Elog for personal and group use. I am starting with a Windows install on a PC. (I came across Elog when doing a shift on ATLAS at CERN.)

It took me some time to discover how to access a local logbook and create a new one. I suggest adding short sections in a prominent place in the guides:

User guide:

"Accessing a logbook: To access a logbook, point your Web browser at the appropriate URL. The default for a local Elog is http://localhost:8080/logbookname. Logbook files are stored in directory logbookname which is a sub-directory of the logbook root directory, defined by the administrator. See the administrator guide on how to create a new logbook."

Admin guide:

"Creating a logbook: A logbook is created in three steps: 1) The logbook root directory is defined as an option of the elogd start command; 2) A sub-directory, of the logbook root directory, named logbookname is created; and 3) The elogd.cfg file is edited to define the logbook's attributes and options. No files are created in the sub-directory; that is done when entries are made."


Ken McF

Dear Ken,

first of all thanks for trying to improve the documentation. For me as the developer it's always hard to imagine what people need to know, since I know already all about elog. Therefore I ask usually other people to write the documentation. The one for elog was written by Fred Pacquier.

When going through your comments, I realize that you had some problems on your first steps. But you say you have a Windows installation. If you use the normal installer, you get some entries in your "Start" menu under Windows, with which you can directly access your "demo" logbook which comes with the installation: Start -> All Programs -> ELOG -> Demo Logbook (requires running server). To create a logbook, just access your demo logbook, then clock on "Config", then you see a button "Create new logbook". Your point 1) mentioned above is actually not necessary if you use the default root directory. It might confuse people more than it helps. Point 2) is true, but only some internal database behavior, which might not be interesting to most users.

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