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icon5.gif   Backing up an entire eLog, posted by Ed Rogers on Tue Feb 2 21:52:00 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: Backing up an entire eLog, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Feb 3 09:49:58 2010 
Message ID: 66701     Entry time: Wed Feb 3 09:49:58 2010     In reply to: 66700
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: V2.7.5-213 
Subject: Re: Backing up an entire eLog 

Ed Rogers wrote:

Hi, I've been using the ELOG software for about a year now. I love it! But as my ELOG becomes more valuable, I become more paranoid about potential data loss. (We've had numerous close-calls with disk failures, recently.) Is there a way to download a backup of my ELOG, all at once? Maybe a command that could create a tar.gz of all the entries and attachments? Further, is there also a command to restore from such a backup? Apologies if this question is answered elsewhere. I couldn't readily find it in the documentation. Regards, --Ed

There is a simple way. In your logbook directory you will find files of the format xxyyzza.log where xxyyzz is the year/month/day of the entries being submitted during that day. The attachments have a similar form, they have just the attachment name appended to the date. To back it up, just copy or tar all files of that directory. If you want to back up a certain year, you can select 2009 for example with 09*.*  To restore these files, simply untar them into the directory and restart the elogd daemon. The restart is necessary, since during start the daemon indexes all entries. 

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