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icon1.gif   Restricting logbook view, posted by Allen on Fri May 21 14:37:26 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: Restricting logbook view, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 8 12:02:36 2010 
Message ID: 66831     Entry time: Fri May 21 14:37:26 2010     Reply to this: 66840
Icon: Entry  Author: Allen  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: Restricting logbook view 

Is there anyway to restrict access so that a user can only see the log entries they post or only replies to their log entry?  I know it is possible to restrict editing to only posts they submitted, but I have a need to not even allow them to see other posts except for what they submitted and I am wondering if this is possible currently, or if this is planned, or could be planned for a future version?




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