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icon8.gif   cannot start elog, posted by harley on Thu May 27 22:35:49 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: cannot start elog, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 1 13:17:18 2010 
Message ID: 66832     Entry time: Thu May 27 22:35:49 2010     Reply to this: 66833
Icon: Angy  Author: harley  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: cannot start elog 

I have v2.7.7 of elog running on a OSX system running 10.6 I configured and installed about a year ago.  It's a wonderful thing to have.

I acquired another system running 10.6 to dedicate to the elog app.  I downloaded 2.7.8  and performed the following steps:

extract tarball in the desired directory


tar -xzvf elog-x.x.x.tar

switch to the new elog-x.x.x directory edit Makefile and elogd.cfg files as needed

to create executables



to create directories & files


make install

When I try to execute elog as a daemon:


elogd -c ~vulcanstaff/ELOG-Workspace/elog/elogd.cfg -D

I get the following message:

-bash: elogd: command not found

I'm not understanding why elogd cannot be found.  The same message occurs when I try to test the installation with elogd -p 8080 from the sbin directory where elogd is installed.
I'm using the same Makefile and elogd.cfg files that work on the old system.  My elogd and elogd.cfg files appear to be in the correct directories indicated in the Makefile:

# Directories for installation, modify if needed

ifndef PREFIX
PREFIX     = ~vulcanstaff/ELOG-Workspace

ifndef MANDIR
MANDIR     = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/man

ELOGDIR    = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/elog
RCDIR      = $(ROOT)$(PREFIX)/etc/rc.d/init.d

# flag for SSL support
USE_SSL    = 1

# flag for crypt() support

Again, this works on the old system.  Perhaps I've looked at it for too long, but I can't figure out what's going on.  Assistance is greatly appreciated.


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6