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icon5.gif   What *exactly* do "clone" and "mirror" do?, posted by David McKee on Thu Jul 22 00:31:54 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: What *exactly* do "clone" and "mirror" do?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 16:55:32 2010 
Message ID: 66854     Entry time: Thu Jul 22 00:31:54 2010     Reply to this: 66863
Icon: Question  Author: David McKee  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7 
Subject: What *exactly* do "clone" and "mirror" do? 

We have been hosting logbook far (geographically and in internet hops) from our experimental site. Recently we have (finally!) gotten reliable on-site internet, and would like to host the log book on-site.

I have a suspicion that some combination of the -C, -m, and -M flags will allow me to migrate the logbook automagically and with a minimum risk of trouble from concurrent operation on the logbook, and to maintain the existing version as a mirror of the new official on-site version. But documentation is not being very helpful. Can someone say a few more words about what these options do?


I've been experimenting as I compose this and have a suggestion for language that might be useful somewhere in the documentation:

In this context "to clone" means to copy the configuration file and all data files associated with a log book so that I can host an identical logbook on a new host (that is this is the command to migrate a logbook).  After cloning the two installation are identical, but no effort is made to keep them so: if you continue to run both copies post made to one will not be reflected in the other.

Is this correct?

I'm still not clear on what the -m and -M options do.

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886