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icon4.gif   Mail when elog entry is expired, posted by Johan Schuring on Tue Jul 27 10:46:27 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: Mail when elog entry is expired, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jul 27 11:35:40 2010 
       icon2.gif   Re: Mail when elog entry is expired, posted by Johan Schuring on Tue Jul 27 15:48:19 2010 
Message ID: 66861     Entry time: Tue Jul 27 15:48:19 2010     In reply to: 66860
Icon: Reply  Author: Johan Schuring  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.5 
Subject: Re: Mail when elog entry is expired 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Johan Schuring wrote:



Is it possible to set a timestamp on an elog entry say for about 5 days in the future, when it is expired and there are no modifications with the entry you will get a mail.

I cannot find it with search in this forum or is the guides.

It can be very handy when it is possible.

When it is not available, is it possible to make a feature request for it.

This is not possible at the moment. Sounds to me more like a calendar function. What you could do however is to define an attribute of type "datetime", which you can populate with the expiration date. Then you can do a search to look for entries which are past the expiration date. But you have to do that manually like once per day or so. 

Thank you for your reply and the tip.

People can allways use another app (mail) for this, it would be nice,nothing more.




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6