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icon5.gif   alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Wed Aug 5 19:05:01 2009 
    icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Aug 6 08:00:22 2009 
       icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Fri Aug 7 23:09:42 2009 
          icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Aug 10 17:14:48 2009 
             icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Thu Jun 3 06:14:50 2010 
                icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Jun 8 09:53:09 2010 
                   icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Wed Jul 28 17:01:06 2010 
                      icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jul 28 17:15:33 2010 
                         icon2.gif   Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items?, posted by Dennis Seitz on Wed Jul 28 22:03:26 2010 
Message ID: 66864     Entry time: Wed Jul 28 17:01:06 2010     In reply to: 66839     Reply to this: 66866
Icon: Reply  Author: Dennis Seitz  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: All  ELOG Version: 2.7.7 
Subject: Re: alphabetize Quick Filter items? 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Dennis Seitz wrote:

 Hi Stefan,

I'd like to request a feature: automatic alphabetization of the items in the Quick Filter menus.

We track quite a few detector assemblies, which are produced with non-sequential designations. It would be useful if the Quick Filter list was automatically sorted alphabetically to make it more convenient for folks to find a particular item.

I know people can always search by designation but it would be handy to have this alpha sorting feature. Would it be possible to include that in a future release?

Thanks again for a *very* useful logging system!


The order of items in a Quick Filter menu is exactly as in the configuration file. Like if you have items

Options Type = C, D, A, B

they are shown like that in the quick filter menu. If you want to sort them, just do the sorting yourself in the configuration file like

Options Type = A, B, C, D

I have not implemented automatic sorting since some people want a different order, like some main topics at top. So by following the order from the configuration file, everybody can be satisfied just by chaning the order in the config file.

- Stefan 

 Yes, I have been manually sorting and resorting. We have extendable attributes and the list keeps growing so I have to resort every so often. I thought perhaps a simple alphanumeric sort as an option would be popular with most users so I thought I'd ask for it. It would really simplify things for me. Users who want to sort manually could do so by disabling the option. It never hurts to ask!


Ok, I implemented

Sort attribute options = 1

in the current SVN revision. 

 I've tried adding this statement to my cfg file but the attributes are still unsorted in the QuickFilter menus. Was this implemented in 2.7.7?

Shouldn't an existing configuration file entry like
Options Type = C, D, A, B
be sorted in the QuickFilter menu as A B C D?

You need revision 2252 or later. So you have to upgrade to 2.7.8. 

 We have upgraded to 2.7.8 but this still doesn't seem to work. The quick menus are still unsorted. Does it work for you?

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