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icon5.gif   elog keeps recreating preview .png files?, posted by Kontantin Olchanski on Wed Aug 4 23:52:08 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: elog keeps recreating preview .png files?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 6 12:55:08 2010 
Message ID: 66876     Entry time: Fri Aug 6 12:55:08 2010     In reply to: 66874
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.8.0 
Subject: Re: elog keeps recreating preview .png files? 

Kontantin Olchanski wrote:

Hi, I rsync an elog database from CERN to TRIUMF every few months and I notice that rsync keeps copying preview files (xxx.png.png, xxx.gif.png, etc) from very old entries. I guess that elogd creates these files from scratch each time they are needed, overwriting any previously existing preview files. This creates extra rsync network traffic and rsync takes longer to complete. Is there any way to avoid this? K.O.


Actually the thumbnail files are only created if they are not there. This is done in the function crate_thumbnail():

   i = get_thumb_name(file_name, str, sizeof(str), 0);

   if (i)

      return i;

So if these files are recreated always, something must be wrong there. Or you sysadmin runs a cron job which deletes them every evening 
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6