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icon5.gif   elog editor loses all text, posted by Kontantin Olchanski on Wed Aug 4 23:46:34 2010 
    icon1.gif   Re: elog editor loses all text, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Aug 6 13:01:24 2010 
Message ID: 66877     Entry time: Fri Aug 6 13:01:24 2010     In reply to: 66873
Icon: Entry  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: unknown 
Subject: Re: elog editor loses all text 

Kontantin Olchanski wrote:

I just typed a long text into this elog, clicked "submit" and it bombed with "you must select an Icon", returned me to the editor with all my text gone gone gone. I do not want to select icons, I just want to report a problem with elog. Well, 2 problems, now.



Well, first RTFM: "Fields marked with a * are required" on top of the elog entry page. Then, use a reasonable browser on a reasonable OS  

On Google Chrome the text is still there (actually I just tried it with this entry). No idea what Safari under OSX does. Under Windows, Safari keeps the text. Actually this is controlled by the FCKEditor inside elog which is written by someone else. So complain there! Funny: We have about 1000+ entries in this forum, and you are the first one complaining about this.

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