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icon5.gif   honor "user" field in the Apache SSL request object or environment variables in SSL process groups?, posted by Owen LaGarde on Wed Aug 25 02:49:44 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: honor "user" field in the Apache SSL request object or environment variables in SSL process groups?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 15 01:04:21 2010 
Message ID: 66881     Entry time: Wed Aug 25 02:49:44 2010     Reply to this: 66904
Icon: Question  Author: Owen LaGarde  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: honor "user" field in the Apache SSL request object or environment variables in SSL process groups? 

Will elog defer user identification and authorization to the ssl engine of a *local* Apache proxy?  I'd like to try elog in a site that requires the service port positively authenticate and identify users via smartcard certificate ID.  Per SOP they have Apache+mod_ssl setting SSLUserName=SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN which sets both the SSL request object's "user" field and the REMOTE_USER environment var relative to the mod_ssl's session's process group leader.  Users auth with Apache's mod_ssl as a single-signon replacement for web apps which have traditional native, internal user accounts/passwords, but those passwords are subsumed by the Apache/smartcard/mod_ssl setup.  The web apps define internal accounts matching the users' cert IDs but do not allow any management of the [unused] passwords.  Can elog do this?

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