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icon5.gif   How to setup elogd as windows service with shell execution?, posted by Robert Heine on Fri Sep 10 15:38:38 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: How to setup elogd as windows service with shell execution?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 13 09:23:29 2010 
Message ID: 66896     Entry time: Fri Sep 10 15:38:38 2010     Reply to this: 66897
Icon: Question  Author: Robert Heine  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.8.-2312 
Subject: How to setup elogd as windows service with shell execution? 

Dear colleagues,

I am trying to use the elogd as a service with activated shell-execution. Invoking 'elogd -x' on the command line works fine, as well as 'elogd -install'. The option 'elogd -x -install' does not seem to be implemented, so I followed two ways to get this to work:

1) creating my own service with instsrv/srvany and registry editing: starting 'elogd -x' does not work (error 1053), the -D option has to be added, to start the service without time out. But then shell execution seems to be not working, because no input to the elog is generated, but also no message saying shell execution was not enabled!

2) using 'elogd -install' and modifying the registry entry by adding the -x option to the command line in the 'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\elogd\ImagePath': This enables shell execution, but instead of piping the output to the logbook, some DOS boxes pop up executing the shell command and terminate. No entries are generated.

Has anyone an idea?


Best regards



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