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icon4.gif   Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line, posted by Mike Zuber on Thu Aug 19 15:26:35 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 22 14:37:10 2010 Capture.png
       icon2.gif   Re: Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line, posted by Mike Zuber on Thu Oct 14 17:50:56 2010 elogd.cfg
          icon2.gif   Re: Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line, posted by Stefan Ritt on Tue Nov 16 15:56:53 2010 
Message ID: 66920     Entry time: Thu Oct 14 17:50:56 2010     In reply to: 66914     Reply to this: 66941
Icon: Reply  Author: Mike Zuber  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.8 
Subject: Re: Elogd service crashes on "reply" with percent character in subject line 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Mike Zuber wrote:

My logbook kept crashing whenever I tried to reply to an existing entry. I found that the percent sign "%", when used in the subject line, will crash the elogd service when you try to reply to the entry. This appears to only happen with windows installations. I tested this on your Linux logbook and it didn't crash.

Here is the message taken from the Windows event viewer after the crash:
An unhandled win32 exception occurred in elogd.exe [5224].

Thank you for Elog, you have done a good job with it.  It is a great logbook.


I could not reproduce your problem. I tried the very simple config file:

Attributes = Author, Subject

and the problem did not occur (see attachment). Can you try the most recent version (elog280-4.exe) with this simple configuration. Maybe you have a more complicated configuration which causes the problem. In that case please send it to me, so that I can reproduce the problem.

 Thank you Stefan for your help on this. I am using version 2.8.0 built Aug 2, 2010 rev 2312. I tried your configuration file and the problem did not occur. Using my config file the elogd crashes using the % sign in the subject when replying to the entry. So the problem is something in my config file. After checking through my config file and remming out individual lines and testing, I found that the following statement is causing the problem:

Preset on reply subject = Re: $Subject

I was using this to put the "Re:" on the replies.

The only problem now is I don't get the "Re:" in the subject on replies. Am I doing something wrong to cause this? My config file is attached.


Attachment 1: elogd.cfg  1 kB  Uploaded Thu Oct 14 19:03:01 2010  | Hide | Hide all
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