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icon5.gif   email format, posted by Marty Jansen on Sat Nov 6 14:32:52 2010 
    icon2.gif   Re: email format, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Nov 15 16:46:41 2010 
Message ID: 66937     Entry time: Mon Nov 15 16:46:41 2010     In reply to: 66924
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.8.0-2331 
Subject: Re: email format 

Marty Jansen wrote:



In version 2.6.5-1844 we received email like picture below.


 Een ouder bericht is op gewijzigd:

Logboek Documentatie
Author Marty Jansen
Type Werkinstructie
Category Servers
Subject Server Windows 2008 R2 role IIS toevoegen v02.doc
Logboek URL http://nmlanict:8088/Documentatie/7

.\SenN\Proclib\Server Windows 2008 R2 role IIS toevoegen v01.doc
Server Windows 2008 R2 role IIS toevoegen v02.doc: De wijzigingen betreffen het verplaatsen van Inetpub van c:\ naar e:\
Op VLIS27 en VLSQL05 staat de inetpub nu op e:, op de VLSQL04 (NMLITE Testserver) staat de inetpub nog op c:



When upgraded to version 2.8.0-2331 we receive the email like below whitout the frame:


Een nieuw ELOG bericht is bezorgd:
 Logboek: NMLAN  Bericht ID: 927    Geef de tijd op: 5-11-2010 23:07:40
Author: Marty Jansen 
Type: QuickChange 
Category: Software 
Subject: Elog - Update 

Vanwege verbeterde mogelijkheden in de editor (fckeditor), ELOG geupdate van versie 2.6.5-1844 naar versie 2.8.0.-2331

ELOG V2.8.0-2331

Any idea how to get the HTML format email back?


 Sat Nov 6 14:47:16 2010

It looks strange but when I copy and past the message, like I did here,  the HTML format is OK, but not when I receive the email in Outlook. This used to be OK with the previous version.

Nothing has changed in Outlook

The email notification contains the basic HTML code and an (external) reference to the underlying CSS. I use for example Thunderbird instead of Outlook, and this program asks me if I should "show remote content". Only if I click yes, then the external CSS is loaded. Outlook might also have an option "view as web page" or so. The old format did not use full HTML and therefore was displayed correctly. This can be changed with the email encoding = ... option.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6