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icon5.gif   Multiple Insances of eLog on the same machine, posted by Behdad D on Fri Jan 7 05:45:41 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Multiple Insances of eLog on the same machine, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Jan 7 08:37:49 2011 
       icon14.gif   Re: Multiple Insances of eLog on the same machine, posted by Behdad D on Sun Jan 9 07:04:00 2011 
Message ID: 66982     Entry time: Sun Jan 9 07:04:00 2011     In reply to: 66981
Icon: Agree  Author: Behdad D  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.8 
Subject: Re: Multiple Insances of eLog on the same machine 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Behdad D wrote:


Is it possible to run multiple instance of elog on the same windows box where each instance listens on a different port?



Sure. Just start with one subdirectory for each instance with a separate elogd.cfg file, where you specify a different port. Note however that there is also the concept of "top groups" (see documentation) which lets a single instance of elog look like several independent installations. 


Great. Thanks Stefan. 

I also am already using the top groups. This is just to totally separate my work and home elog.....I have to admit I am really an elog addict. 

This elog and the idea behind it is absolutely  brilliant. Very useful, easy to maintain, migrate, configure, easy to use, versatile, etc...  Good on you all.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6