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icon4.gif   elog command creates always UTF-8 encoded entries, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Jan 19 13:30:48 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: elog command creates always UTF-8 encoded entries, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Jan 19 14:47:15 2011 
Message ID: 66988     Entry time: Wed Jan 19 13:30:48 2011     Reply to this: 66989
Icon: Warning  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.8.0-2313 
Subject: elog command creates always UTF-8 encoded entries 
If I create an entry via the web-interface, the defined encoding of the browser is used.
If I create an entry via "elog", it is always stored in UTF-8 encoding.
For the text I can overcome that with HTML encoding, but for attribute values the encoding does not show properly.
The only solution I found was to convert the whole logbook to UTF-8 encoding:

 define "charset=UTF-8" in elogd.cfg
 iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 elogd.cfg >tmp;mv tmp elogd.cfg
 iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 resources/eloglang.german >tmp;mv tmp resources/eloglang.german

Has anyone any idea why ISO8859-1 does not work for me?

Or can anyone advice me of an editor similar to NEdit that is capable to display UTF-8? :-)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6