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icon1.gif   Working Ubuntu 10.10 ELOG binaries, posted by Louis de Leseleuc on Wed Jan 26 19:35:48 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Working Ubuntu 10.10 ELOG binaries, posted by Louis de Leseleuc on Wed Jan 26 19:38:58 2011 
Message ID: 67003     Entry time: Wed Jan 26 19:38:58 2011     In reply to: 67002
Icon: Reply  Author: Louis de Leseleuc  Author Email: 
Category: Request  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.8.1 
Subject: Re: Working Ubuntu 10.10 ELOG binaries 

Louis de Leseleuc wrote:


Can anyone please send me, or publicly provide, working Ubuntu 10.10 binaries (64-bit) for ELOG?

I have compiled and installed the program. While the core functionalities are OK, I have run into irritating bugs in filtering and config editing that are not present in the online demo (but are in my local demo and logbook).

Hence I suspect compilation to be the cause.

For the curious:

  • Saving the config within ELOG scrambles the elog.conf file


Theme = default
Comment = Louis's Lab Book
Attributes = Project, Type, Category, Subject
after saving becomes
Them = defaultt
Commnt = Louiss's Lab Book
Attribute = Prroject, Type, Category, Subject
  • In the Find page, drop-down filters for attributes are ignored, but text is searched
  • In the threaded view, Quick filters "dissociate" posts and replies, so that all rows are now in reverse chronological order





Hmm actually that last bug is also present in the demo. Any hope of fixing that?

True, some posts may not match the filters, leaving replies "orphan". I suggest that any orphan reply be either attached to the nearest upper level, or if not possible, be styled as a post instead of a reply (no arrow or indent) so as not to mistake it for a reply to the message above.

The benefit would be to be able to follow threads matching certain categories.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6