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icon5.gif   Strange problem with dates - need debugging help, posted by T. Ribbrock on Fri Feb 4 00:11:09 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Strange problem with dates - need debugging help, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 4 10:20:12 2011 
       icon14.gif   Re: Strange problem with dates - need debugging help, posted by T. Ribbrock on Fri Feb 4 11:52:45 2011 
Message ID: 67008     Entry time: Fri Feb 4 11:52:45 2011     In reply to: 67007
Icon: Agree  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Other  ELOG Version: 2.8.1 
Subject: Re: Strange problem with dates - need debugging help 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

The problem is most probably related to the time zone. elogd contains a function:

/* workaround for wong timezone under MAX OSX */
long my_timezone()
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
   time_t tp;
   return -localtime(&tp)->tm_gmtoff;
   return timezone;
from which you can see that there is a different behavior between different Linux flavors and OSX/FreeBSD. Maybe you need an additional
|| defined(__OpenBSD__)
if the pre-compiler directive __FreeBSD__ is not defined on your system.

 BINGO! That was it - thank you! I've added the || defined(__OpenBSD__) in the place you described above and now the dates are correct. While I was at it, I also had a look at what other ifdefs there are for FreeBSD and the only other one I found was also in elogd.c:

#if defined (_BSD_VA_LIST_) && defined (__FreeBSD__)

I'm far from being a C programmer, but I did some quick and dirty compile tests with various ifdefs set and apparently, _BSD_VA_LIST_ is not set on OpenBSD, so I guess that this statement does not need modification. I will keep my eyes peeled for strange behaviour, though...



P.S.: One thing I noticed is that the OpenBSD variant of gcc throws these warnings when compiling elogd.c:

gcc -g -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -W -Wall -DHAVE_SSL -I../mxml -o elogd src/elogd.c crypt.o regex.o mxml.o strlcpy.o -lcrypto -lssl
/tmp//ccHhMZfy.o(.text+0xd2f): In function `int_vasprintf':
src/elogd.c:826: warning: vsprintf() is often misused, please use vsnprintf()
/tmp//ccHhMZfy.o(.text+0xae8): In function `xstrdup':
src/elogd.c:736: warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy()
/tmp//ccHhMZfy.o(.text+0x13c7): In function `my_shell':
src/elogd.c:1197: warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf()
/tmp//ccHhMZfy.o(.text+0xf0ae): In function `el_correct_links':
src/elogd.c:5178: warning: strcat() is almost always misused, please use strlcat()

I'm not certain whether this is specific to this gcc variant, but I seem to remember that the OpenBSD folks added some extra warnings and suchlike as part of their overall code audit, so I thought I'd mention it.

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