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icon4.gif   Odd bug with conditional and required attributes, posted by T. Ribbrock on Fri Feb 4 23:48:54 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Odd bug with conditional and required attributes, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Feb 7 15:14:36 2011 
       icon2.gif   Re: Odd bug with conditional and required attributes, posted by T. Ribbrock on Mon Feb 7 17:26:26 2011 
Message ID: 67009     Entry time: Fri Feb 4 23:48:54 2011     Reply to this: 67011
Icon: Warning  Author: T. Ribbrock  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Other  ELOG Version: 2.9.0-2384 
Subject: Odd bug with conditional and required attributes 

I just ran into an odd bug with conditional attributes: If I add a certain attribute to "Required Attributes", none of the conditionals will work anymore. I have tried to create a small logbook definition that will demonstrate the problem (the original logbook is more complex and uses two sets of conditionals, both of which will be disabled when the bug hits):

; General settings
Menu commands = List, New, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Reply, Select, Move to, Download, Find, Logout, Help, Config,Admin
List Menu commands = New, Select, Find, Logout, Help, Config, Admin, Import, Download
Date Format = %d/%m/%Y
List conditions = 1
List display = Edit, Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived, Test Text, Public?

; Attributes
Attributes = Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived, Test Text, Public?
Required Attributes = Type

; Attribute Types
Type Created = date
Type Archived = date

; Options & Tooltips
Options Type = Type1{0}, Type2{1}
Options StatusA = Status-A-red, Status-A-orange, Status-A
Options StatusB = Status-B-red, Status-B-orange, Status-B
Options Public? = yes,no

; Conditionals
{0}Show Attributes Edit = Type, Created, StatusA, StatusB, Archived, Test Text, Public?
{1}Show Attributes Edit = Type, Created, StatusA, Archived, Test Text, Public?

The above logbook definition works. However, if I replace the Required Attributes = Type with Required Attributes = Type, Public?, the conditionals will no longer work. I can see the difference in the reactions of the browser - with the extra attribute, nothing happens when I change "Type". Without, the browser will spring into action and reload as soon as I change "Type". I've tested this with both Firefox 3.6.13 and Konqueror 4.4.5 on Kubuntu 10.04 as clients. Fortunately, this is not a showstopper for me, as it is not mandatory to have this attribute defined as required, but I find it a weird issue nonetheless.



P.S.: I'm currently running the latest SVN version of elogd on OPenBSD as I ran into the same problem as described in Message 66984. The above problem also happens with the 2.8.1 I was using before. Some feedback: The SVN version compiled and ran without any further intervention on OpenBSD - very nice!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6