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icon5.gif   Filter on Options, posted by Cossutta L on Thu Feb 24 11:47:07 2011 1.JPG2.JPG3.JPG
    icon2.gif   Re: Filter on Options, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Feb 24 11:54:18 2011 
       icon2.gif   Re: Filter on Options, posted by Cossutta L on Fri Feb 25 15:01:12 2011 
Message ID: 67020     Entry time: Thu Feb 24 11:47:07 2011     Reply to this: 67021
Icon: Question  Author: Cossutta L  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.8.1-2350 
Subject: Filter on Options 

I want to implement the following feature in my logbook:
selecting an Option related to a specific Attribute produces a filter on the Options related to the other Attributes.

I have the following configuration:
" Attributes = Project, Category
Options Project = Agenda, Software
Options Category = General, Data, Result, Meeting, Status, TODO, DONE,
Reminder, Result, Other
Quick filter = Project, Category "

I want that: if on the Quick filter I select "Project = Agenda", then the entry "Category" displays only the Options "Meeting, Status, TODO, DONE, Reminder, Other"; if on the Quick filter I select "Project = Software", then the entry "Category" displays only the Options "General, Data, Result, Other".
See the attached JPGs (they are edited printscreens from my logbook).


Is there a way to do this?

Thank you in advance!

Attachment 1: 1.JPG  28 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 2: 2.JPG  36 kB  | Show | Show all
Attachment 3: 3.JPG  35 kB  | Show | Show all
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