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icon6.gif   Attributes for message workflow., posted by Ryan on Thu Mar 24 17:23:37 2011 
    icon7.gif   Re: Attributes for message workflow., posted by Andreas Luedeke on Wed Mar 30 13:46:01 2011 
Message ID: 67036     Entry time: Wed Mar 30 13:46:01 2011     In reply to: 67034
Icon: Smile  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Linux | Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V2.7 
Subject: Re: Attributes for message workflow. 

Ryan wrote:

[...]  I am even open to losing the historical "status" and beeing able to change all entries on the thread on reply. (i.e. Reply #4 changes "Status" to "Approved", and the system changed all entries in the thread to "Approved")

One possibility is to use the new 2.9.0 feature "Propagate attributes = OPS Approval,  ENG Approval,  Director Approval"
A change in any of the three listed attributes would propage to the corresponding fields of all former entires of the same thread.
So if someone creates a reply and changes "OPS Approval" to "Approved", the field "OPS Approval" of the original entry would go as well to "Approved".
I just happen to know about this feature because Stefan implemented it for me :-)
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6