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Message ID: 67064     Entry time: Tue May 3 20:05:29 2011
Icon: Question  Author: Andreas Warburton  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux | Mac OSX  ELOG Version: 2.9.0-2396 
Subject: Unwanted faux DST date shifts to time stamps in mirror transactions 


I have a MacOSX 10.6.7 laptop that periodically synchronizes my logbook with that on a Debian linux web server.  Both instances of ELOG are 2.9.0-2396.

When I create a new entry on the laptop, the indicated time stamp is correct.  When I click Synchronize on the laptop, the entry that gets mirrored to the Debian server has a time stamp exactly one hour earlier (in the past) on the Debian side.

Likewise, when I create a new entry on the Debian server, the indicated time stamp is correct.  When I click Synchronize on the laptop, the entry that gets mirrored from the Debian machine to the laptop has a time stamp that is exactly one hour in the future on the laptop.

This appears to be due to an incorrect handling of times with regard to "summer" (daylight savings) and "standard" time when mirroring between these two different machines.

Is there a straightforward workaround to immunize against this sensitivity?




ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886