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Message ID: 67069     Entry time: Fri May 20 22:45:00 2011
Icon: Idea  Author: John M O'Donnell  Author Email: 
Category: Bug fix  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: svn 2414 
Subject: my_shell (OS_UNIX) uses /tmp/elog_shell - conflict when more than one elogd runs at the same time 

all instances of elogd use the same file name in /tmp when calling my_shell.  This can cause some inconsistent behavior when two or more copies of elogd are runnnig at the same time.  (eg. one might detect ImageMagik is installed, and the other not,)


The propsed solution is to have the parent read from a pipe to the child rather from a file.  A patch is attached.

Attachment 1: elogd.c.patch_shellPipe  1 kB  | Show | Show all
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6