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Message ID: 67071     Entry time: Tue May 31 13:48:41 2011
Icon: Entry  Author: Peter de Mol  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.8-2280 
Subject: Find page resets quick filters if fields with user defined (drop-down)lists are selected. 

 Hi Stefan,

First : Compliments with your fine application !

The issue : A user wants to search the database. He selects one of the quick filters (e.g. "Show Last / Month"). Next he fills in the form and as long as text boxes are used there is no problem. But when he chooses a value from a populated drop-down list, the quick filter disappears. Other way round (first drop-down list and then the quick filter) no problem.


Kind regards,


Peter de Mol


ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6