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icon5.gif   Hyperlinking address to Google Maps, posted by Alan Grant on Tue Aug 2 22:58:37 2011 
    icon5.gif   Re: Hyperlinking address to Google Maps, posted by Alan Grant on Wed Aug 3 17:55:41 2011 
Message ID: 67101     Entry time: Wed Aug 3 17:55:41 2011     In reply to: 67100
Icon: Question  Author: Alan Grant  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.0 
Subject: Re: Hyperlinking address to Google Maps 

Alan Grant wrote:

I have a street address attribute called Ticket Location which I would like to hyperlink to google maps so I can see a map representation of the actual value. For example, the value "654 Pembina" on the List page shoud be inserted into the url such that it  displays Pembina, winnipeg when the browser window opens. This url works fine when I manually type it directly into the address bar, however I cannot get it to work properly as a link originating from Elog.

This is what I have done so far: I added the following to my cfg file: Change Ticket Location = <a href="$Ticket Location,%20winnipeg">$Ticket Location</a> ... but the resulting link does not end up contiguous on the single entry page, ie: <a href=" Location,%20winnipeg">72217864 Location</a>  .I also tried several variations in the cfg file without any better success (ie: double quotes; resorting to 1 word variable name; concatenating with +; etc).

Having this map link would be a tremendous help to our operation. Does anyone know of any way to make this work?

There's also two spin-off issues I'm having with the above approach that you may have noticed: 1) I also have another separate variable called Ticket (rep the actual ticket #) which Elog assumes I want in the url, hence the reason 72217864 shows up on the single entry opage; 2) Secondly, I prefer the single entry to retain the original value as the link (in this case, 654 Pembina), as opposed to <a href=" Location,%20winnipeg">72217864 Location</a>.

Any suggestions on resolving these issues is greatly appreciated.


 Update: I checked through the forum some more (keying on "link" instead of "hyperlink") and found the answer to my main problem - I needed Allow HTML = 1.

So the only issue remaining is that so far I can only get it to work when I use a one word variable (please ref my point #1 in last paragraph above). When I use $Ticket Location vs just $Location, the HTML href sees it as two separate variables. Is there any way to ref $Ticket Location as a single variable in the href statement?

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