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icon5.gif   Password may not contain blanks, posted by Terry Shuck on Tue Aug 30 20:58:18 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 31 15:21:03 2011 
       icon5.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Terry Shuck on Wed Aug 31 16:21:23 2011 ELOG_errors.JPG
          icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Aug 31 16:33:39 2011 
             icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Terry Shuck on Wed Aug 31 17:02:40 2011 
                icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 7 12:17:44 2011 
          icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Stefan Ritt on Wed Sep 7 12:37:38 2011 
       icon2.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Sep 6 12:15:54 2011 
          icon14.gif   Re: Password may not contain blanks, posted by Terry Shuck on Wed Sep 7 16:23:01 2011 
Message ID: 67112     Entry time: Wed Aug 31 17:02:40 2011     In reply to: 67111     Reply to this: 67118
Icon: Reply  Author: Terry Shuck  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: V2.9.0-241 
Subject: Re: Password may not contain blanks 

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Terry Shuck wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Terry Shuck wrote:

After setting up email addresses for notifications I noticed that the "Full Name" has part of an email address in it. I've tried several ways to correct this however it keeps sending me to a page that says "Password may not contain blanks" and I've not done anything with the password.

Can you tell me how to correct this issue?

I certainly appreciate your help!!


 Have you tried deleting and re-creating the account? Otherwise you could stop elogd, edit the password file with a text editor, and restart elogd.

 Thanks for your rapid response Stefan!  This is affecting two accounts, "admin" and "prescon". I can delete/create a new prescon but the admin accout concerns me that deleting it may lock me out of admin functions.  What I originally wanted to do was send an email when a new entry or updates were saved. I put five email addresses in the email field rather than in the Configuration file.  I've attached a screen shot, with notes, (you may have to scroll down to see it all) of what I am seeing.

Can you tell me how to stop elogd? I've edited that file several times however when I open ELOG in my browser the elogd is back like it was before the edits.

Thanks again for your help Stefan!     - Terry

Wow. Putting email addresses in "Full name" and several ones in "Email" is a heavy misuse and even I did not know that this works at all! You should either use the "Subscribe to logbook" function, or the "Email all = <....>" option in the config file. 

 I read how to use the email all feature in the syntax page after I messed up. I haven't done anything with the password so I don't know why I get a a password message but it happened when I put 5 email addresses in. Anyway if I have to wipe out ELOG and start over to have admin capabilities again, do all of my logbooks have to be rewritten? Can I import existing logbooks into a new ELOG? This ELOG is critical to our operation and I would rather not have to wipe it all out if at all possible.

Thanks Stephan!    - Terry

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