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icon5.gif   Rename Logbook, posted by mike cianci on Sun Sep 4 23:01:15 2011 
    icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 5 17:10:19 2011 
       icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by mike cianci on Fri Sep 23 01:16:30 2011 
          icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by David Pilgram on Fri Sep 23 10:46:58 2011 
             icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Sep 26 11:34:36 2011 
                icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by mike cianci on Fri Sep 30 22:38:43 2011 
                   icon2.gif   Re: Rename Logbook, posted by David Pilgram on Fri Sep 30 22:55:01 2011 
Message ID: 67126     Entry time: Fri Sep 23 10:46:58 2011     In reply to: 67125     Reply to this: 67130
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.7.5-2185 
Subject: Re: Rename Logbook 

mike cianci wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

mike cianci wrote:

I have a logbook with data in it that I need  to  rename  and preserve the the existing data (old book) in the newly named book (i.e. can I move all of the data from one book to a new book and than delete the data from the original book)?

As always thank you for your time.

There are two ways:

1) Create a new logbook, add the "Copy to" command to the old logbook. Select all entries and copy them to the new logbook, and delete the old one.

2) Change the logbook name in elogd.cfg, by manually editing the file, then rename the subdirectory in your file system from the old to the new name, then restart elogd.

The second solution is much simpler, but you have to manipulate files and directories yourself.

Whatever you do, make sure to back up you files before any operation. 

 Sorry, about this dumb question but with  "Copy to = <logbook list> " what is the format of  <logbook list>?

Is it just the "logbook Name" or is it the actual path name   "http://something/somethingelse"?

 In order to copy (or move) files from one logbook to another, you first need to ensure that  the
appropriate commands are in the section of elogd.cfg of the logbook the files move *from* (called 'current')

 - made up elogd.cfg to show this, and obviously only the pertinant lines


Group = current, Y2011, Y2010, Y2009...


Menu commands = New, ... Copy to, ...
Copy to = Y2011, Y2010, Y2009 ...
 - end of made up example.
So to solve your problem, the <logbook list> is simply the list of logbooks in
this part of elogd.cfg after the 'Copy to =' line in the elogd.cfg file (Y2011, Y2010, Y2009...)  

You also need to ensure that the directory to which the entries are to be copied to exists!

('Move to' would be faster if you are going to delete the entries in 'current' afterwards, but as always, it depends on

your perception of risk.)

For the user, the logbook list is the set of logbooks that appear in the
drop-down menu by the side of "Copy to" in the menu bar, and it allows you to
move that entry (or thread of entries if more than one) to the selected destination.


My reason for answering this is because I have actually done this operation 'in
anger' some time ago and regularly since, and would have answered before if Stafan had not beaten me
to it.  I used what was Stefan's second method, which, for those who are
reasonably confident with file manipulation, is far faster, and, dare I say,
less prone to 'unexpected' issues - some here will know what I'm
getting at.

So I say, "Back up your files and take the plunge", I would have put something
else but this is a family friendly forum.

But you must bear in mind my views are those seen through the filter of a
regular Elog ab-user, which may be why Stefan worked so hard to answer before
me ;-)


Anyway, Stefan <i>et al</i> have got CERN's faster-than-light particle problem to deal with this morning.

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