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Message ID: 67138     Entry time: Thu Oct 27 11:29:08 2011
Icon: Question  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.0-2414 
Subject: elogd crash for special query 
A query to a logbook can crash the demon.


gdb dump:
SSLServer listening on port 444 ...

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
show_elog_list (lbs=0xae72618, past_n=0, last_n=0, page_n=0, default_page=1, info=0x0) at src/elogd.c:20797
20797         message_id = msg_list[index].lbs->el_index[msg_list[index].index].message_id;
Attachment 1: elogd.cfg  2 kB  | Hide | Hide all
SMTP host =
Language = german_UTF8
charset = UTF-8
SSL = 1
Port = 444
Authentication = Kerberos, File
Password file = passwd.txt

Admin user = luedeke
Allow password change = 0
Self register = 0
Allowed encoding = 5
Allow HTML = 1
Suppress execute default = 0
Tab cellpadding = 2
Logfile = elog.log

Date format = %a %d-%b-%Y 
Time format = %a %d-%b-%y %H:%M

[SwissFEL Injector]
Default encoding = 2
Comment = SwissFEL Injector Beam Development
Guest Menu commands = New, Find, List, Login, Help
Guest List Menu commands = New, Find, Login, Help
Restrict edit time = 48
Admin user = luedeke, robot
Login expiration = 8
Reverse sort = 1
Thumbnail size = 792>
Attributes      = When, Author, Entry, Status, System, Downtime, Beamtime, Coordinator, Shiftleader, Operators, Participants, Title
List display    = ID, When, Author, Entry, Status, System, Title
Thread display  = $entry time, $Author, $Entry, $Status, $System, "$Title"
Quick filter    = When, Entry, Status
Start page = ?rsort=When
Use Email Subject = ELOG $logbook: $Entry: $Title

# When
Type When = datetime
Preset When = $date
# Author
#Preset Author = $long_name
#Preset on reply Author = $long_name
Preset on first reply Titel = Re: $Titel
#Locked Attributes = Author
Preset Author = $shell(if [ $short_name = "Anonym" ] ;then echo $Author;else echo \"$long_name, $Author\";fi)
Preset on reply Author = $long_name
# Entry
Options Entry = Problem{1}, Measurement{2}, Shift-Summary{3}, Info{4}, Alarms{5}

# depending on Entry, but not specific to one attribute
{1,5} Show Attributes Edit = When, Author, Entry, Status, System, Title
{1,5} Show Attributes      = When, Author, Entry, Status, System, Title
{2,4} Show Attributes Edit = When, Author, Entry, System, Title
{2,4} Show Attributes      = When, Author, Entry, System, Title
{3}   Show Attributes Edit = When, Author, Entry, Coordinator, Shiftleader, Operators, Participants, Downtime, Beamtime, Title
{3} Required attributes = Coordinator, Shiftleader, Operators, Downtime, Beamtime, Title
{3} Preset Title = Shift on $date
{1,2,4,5} Preset Title = 
{1,5} Required attributes = When, Author, Entry, Status

# Status
{1} Options Status = open, work-in-progress, closed
{1} Preset Status = open
{5} Options Status = canceled, disabled, enabled
{5} Preset Status = disabled
# System
{1,4,5} Options System = Beamdynamics, Controls, Diagnostics, Mains

#{2} System  = free text for measurement software, incl. version
Show Attributes Edit = When, Author, Entry, Title
# Downtime (only for Shift-Summary{3})
Type Downtime = numeric
Comment Downtime = hours of shift not usable (waiting for repair, etc.)
Format Downtime = 0, attribname, attribvalue, 8, 3
# Beamtime (only for Shift-Summary{3})
Type Beamtime = numeric
Comment Beamtime = hours of shift useable for measurements
Format Beamtime = 1, attribname, attribvalue, 8, 3
# Text
{1,2,4,5} Preset Text = /usr/local/elog/logbooks/inc/clear.html
{3} Preset Text = /usr/local/elog/logbooks/inc/FIN-summary.html
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6