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icon1.gif   redirect permission, posted by Adam on Mon Feb 13 13:38:19 2012 
    icon5.gif   Re: redirect permission, posted by Adam on Wed Feb 22 13:18:37 2012 
Message ID: 67205     Entry time: Wed Feb 22 13:18:37 2012     In reply to: 67191
Icon: Question  Author: Adam   Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.7.8 
Subject: Re: redirect permission 

Adam wrote:

Hi All,

Perhaps a trivial question but some issues have arisen accessing my long-running elog with SSL enabled.  I suspect firewalls and browser updates are involved and I do not have the time or experience to diagnose and debug such a potential black-hole of difficulties.  Instead I am looking for a quick fix, and the first step - switching off sll - seems to work.  Now I would like to use redirect so that the elog is running under apache, however this is where I have stumbled; I have passwords so the plan is to eventually secure using apache.  Apache works fine and is running pages on ports 80 and 443, although I seem unable to redirect the elog (port 8080).  Following the instructions on the administrators guide I get:


You don't have permission to access /elog/ on this server.

The page is found at least so my redirect is doing something, and I suspect the solution is trivial, though I'm not too sure where to start.




Also, what is  the best practice for updating one's elog version.  I originally installed using a tarball.




 Still struggling with this issue, if anyone has managed to solve it let me know.   I've done the obvious and checked ownership/ permissions of the elog folders and they are exactly the same as etc/var/www, which is working in apache.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6