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Message ID: 67206     Entry time: Wed Feb 22 14:19:19 2012
Icon: Question  Author: Diego  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.1 
Subject: Number of Thumnails  


I have Ghostscript 9.05 and ImageMagic 6.7.5 Q16 installed with the last ELOG version in a windows 7 OS. When I try to attach a pdf file and then create thumnails of the file, I am only able to create the first 8 pages instead all document. I have try to change the parameter Thumbnail size  but with any sucess. However, If after create the thumnail I modify manually the size, all thumnails are creaed.

Thank you so much!!




ELOG V3.1.5-fe60aaf