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Message ID: 67207     Entry time: Thu Feb 23 16:23:10 2012
Icon: Question  Author: Nicolas FRANCOIS  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.2-1 
Subject: New user: problem with configuration (password file) 



I'd like to use elog as a tool ta keep my notes, links, passwords... It's installed on my personal computer at home (Debian Squeeze), behind a Ip-Cop firewall, so I guess it won't be accessible from anywhere outside. But I'd like to protect the log with a password anyway. BTW, I had some hard time figuring out how to configure the different files for french (there was a problem with UTF8 mixing up with Latin1... I recoded the language file to UTF8 to solve it).


I followed the procedure described here, but I have a problem with second stage :

  • I set Password file = elog.pwd in the elog.conf file (it's not elog.cfg on Debian...)
  • I restart the daemon
  • I try to login to http://localhost:8080/, and receive the message : "error opening the file elog.pwd"

I get this message even after :

  1. adding my user account to the elog group
  2. launching Epiphany as root

So I guess I have to create (how ???) the file elog.pwd, which, if I understand correctly, can be empty at the start... But where do I save it ?


Thank you for any help, and sorry if I'm a little confused. I had hard time figuring out where to find everything.



ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6