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icon5.gif   ELOG 'Dashboard', posted by NOCinator on Wed May 16 21:05:11 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: ELOG 'Dashboard', posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 18 13:10:59 2012 
Message ID: 67283     Entry time: Fri May 18 13:10:59 2012     In reply to: 67282
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.0 
Subject: Re: ELOG 'Dashboard' 

NOCinator wrote:

 First, I really appreciate this software. Thank you.

Next, I have question - am wanting to have a 'dashboard' of sorts that shows all entries that are 'open'. That part is easy enough. But, then I want to color the time (or some other field) if the ELOG has not been updated/created for more than X hours. This will help us keep track of events that need status updates.



Unfortunately not. What I would do is to define a quick filter, so with one click all 'open' entries are shown. Then you can look at the date column and see how long they have been open (actually when they have been submitted, so the difference you must calculate in your head!). 

ELOG V3.1.5-2eba886