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Message ID: 67293     Entry time: Wed Jun 27 14:56:43 2012
Icon: Question  Author: Graham Medlin  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2455 
Subject: Attachment URL login redirect error 

If I have a couple of attachments in a log book entry, I can link to that entry "", I get the appropriate log in page, and after logging it, it takes me to the entry.

However, if I link directly an attachment, "", I receive a plain log in page that doesn't have the stylesheet applied, and logging in, I am directed to "" which throws an invalid error. If I am already logged in the browser, it links correctly. 

I assume the problem must stem from messed up relative URL somewhere, hence the lack of stylesheet, or from the redirect incorrectly handling the /. (Looking at the source for the two login pages, the only difference is "<input type=hidden name=redir value="7">" versus "<input type=hidden name=redir value="7/1">". ) But that reaches the end of my ability...

This breaks the attachment links in emails.

Any help would be much appreciated!

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6