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icon5.gif   ssh tunneling with elog running under Apache, posted by Phil Rubin on Sun Jul 29 00:59:51 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: ssh tunneling with elog running under Apache, posted by Phil Rubin on Sun Jul 29 15:43:20 2012 
Message ID: 67305     Entry time: Sun Jul 29 15:43:20 2012     In reply to: 67304
Icon: Reply  Author: Phil Rubin  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: latest 
Subject: Re: ssh tunneling with elog running under Apache 

Phil Rubin wrote:

In a configuration with elog running (8080) under Apache (80) [as explained in admin guide], what is the syntax for tunnelling in with ssh, of both the ssh command and the browser locator?

Maybe some more information will help with the question.  Here's the results of my playing around with URL = /host.domain/subdir in elog.cfg.  Commented out, I can access locally with http://localhost:8080 and tunnelled (1234:host.domain:8080) with http://localhost:1234, with and without Apache (i.e., Apache is bypassed?).  URL = /host.domain/elog in elog.cfg works locally with browser locator localhost:8080 (of course), localhost/elog, and host.domain/elog, but the tunnel directly to 8080 no longer works, nor does http://localhost:4321/elog (even though this ends up showing the same URL on the remote browser as on the local browser) (4321:host.domain:80).  http://localhost:4321 brings up the Apache window.  Every other URL assignment I tried failed both locally and remotely, so, I assume the ssh tunnel directive is wrong, or the browser locator, or maybe still URL = .  Anyway, my question is, what am I doing wrong?

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6