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icon5.gif   Difference between time and date formats, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Aug 29 22:44:39 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Difference between time and date formats, posted by David Pilgram on Thu Aug 30 09:13:57 2012 
Message ID: 67327     Entry time: Wed Aug 29 22:44:39 2012     Reply to this: 67328
Icon: Question  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2473 
Subject: Difference between time and date formats 

I hope I'm not missing the blindingly obvious here, but I have an issue with time and date formats

Extract from my elog.cfg file:

Time format = %a %d %b %y
Date format = %d %b
Thread display = $Ticket: $System, $entry time. ($message id). $status
Preset text = [$date]
Prepend on reply = [$date] \n

I can point to places in the syntax doc where each of these lines are given.

As for the results, the thread display is (for example):

T00001: Computer, Wed 29 Aug 12. (1). Problem

However, what I get at the top of the text box in starting a new entry or replying to a previous one is

[Wed 29 Aug 12]

whereas I expected to get

[29 Aug]

Putting $date instead of $entry time in the Thread display line makes (the by now expected) no difference

I cannot see where I'm going wrong.  


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