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icon5.gif   Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Sep 17 13:42:50 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Sep 18 10:05:27 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by David Pilgram on Tue Sep 18 18:41:05 2012 
Message ID: 67339     Entry time: Mon Sep 17 13:42:50 2012     Reply to this: 67341
Icon: Question  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2473 
Subject: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode 
I upgraded my system, including the version of Firefox.

I normally view the topic in Threaded Collapsed mode, right click on the entry I want to reply to, to open a new
Tab.  However, I made a mistake an opened a new Window, as the two 'open' modes in Firefox swapped around.
But no worry, I thought, made my reply as usual.

However, when refreshing the topic afterwards, seemingly randomly distributed throughout the topic were
additional lines, with the latest entry showing up emboldened (but not as a clickable link), and the only
difference being the ID number which showed as 0 (zero).

Deleting the reply only caused the previous reply to show up randomly etc.

In effect, the latest entry is (randomly?) scattered throughout the topic - even in between entries older than
any in that thread, so it's not individial entries in that thread showing up.

The only way to get rid of it was to erase the whole directory, and re-install from backup (which, as it was the
first entry since the new installation, wasn't painful).  It's been fine since - but only so long as I open a
thread in a new tab, and not in a new Window.

I guess the real question is just what is added to some file - perhaps the .cfg file? - that using a separate
window causes this behavioir?  Any whay only as a new window, and given how elog is supposed to work on many
computers, why on this stand-alone computer running two sets of the same browser?

It happened once before at the end of last year during a regression backwards owing to the newer computer
failing and turning back to an older one with older OS and older firefox, where I did the same thing (in
reverse).  As I didn't investigate at that time, I still have the mystery line showing up in that topic.

Sorry this is a bit rambling, but its very hard to describe!
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