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icon5.gif   Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by David Pilgram on Mon Sep 17 13:42:50 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Tue Sep 18 10:05:27 2012 
       icon2.gif   Re: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode, posted by David Pilgram on Tue Sep 18 18:41:05 2012 
Message ID: 67343     Entry time: Tue Sep 18 18:41:05 2012     In reply to: 67341
Icon: Reply  Author: David Pilgram  Author Email: 
Category: Bug report  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.2-2473 
Subject: Re: Mysterious Emboldened lines in threaded (collapsed) mode 
> > I upgraded my system, including the version of Firefox.
> > [...]
> > Sorry this is a bit rambling, but its very hard to describe!
> A picture can say more than thousand words.
> Can you reproduce this with a simple configuration?
> If yes, can you attach the configuration, the *a.log files,
> a description of what firefox version you're using and please:
> some screenshots of "before" and "after"?
> Thanks!
> Andreas
That's odd, I cannot reproduce the problem today - except on the topic [logbook] it already exists on.
Yet nothing has changed.  
I've looked for hidden files, hidden control codes in the *a.log files...  this one had better be put on the
back burner until I can find a way to reproduce it (!).
ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6