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icon5.gif   number of attachments limit, posted by Devin Bougie on Thu Dec 20 17:08:51 2012 
    icon2.gif   Re: number of attachments limit, posted by Stefan Ritt on Mon Jan 7 16:46:54 2013 
Message ID: 67416     Entry time: Mon Jan 7 16:46:54 2013     In reply to: 67407
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.9.0 
Subject: Re: number of attachments limit 

Devin Bougie wrote:


Is there still a limit of 50 attachments per topic?  If so, is there or could there be a parameter to change this setting?



The limit is defined in elogd.h:

#define MAX_ATTACHMENTS   50

I never thought that someone wants to have more than 50 attachments, since it will take forever to upload them. You can change the value on your own risk and recompile elogd. At some point you will run out of stack space, in which case elogd will crash, but you could increase the heap memory with a linker option. Just google for it.





ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6