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icon5.gif   Main Logbook screen with Multi Grouped Logbooks with unique user permissions, posted by Hal Proctor on Tue Dec 18 23:03:57 2012 Main.jpgTabs.jpg
    icon2.gif   Re: Main Logbook screen with Multi Grouped Logbooks with unique user permissions, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Jan 10 10:52:11 2013 
Message ID: 67423     Entry time: Thu Jan 10 10:52:11 2013     In reply to: 67406
Icon: Reply  Author: Stefan Ritt  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.91 
Subject: Re: Main Logbook screen with Multi Grouped Logbooks with unique user permissions 

Hal Proctor wrote:

I have a couple questions on how to configure multiple logbooks with groups.

  1. How can I have a user have permissions to a single logbook that is within a group and jump to it using tabs?
    1. Launching from main/home screen may work, but using tabs from one group to another where the single workbook resides in a group of others, it errors out or asks for login to a logbook you may not have rights to.(always the first book in the group)
  2. How can I force a main login to direct you to the MAIN logbook selection screen?


Example: (use images for reference)  A user has permissions to "Punch" and "Maintenance".  Maintenance is a single logbook and Punch is within the group "Dry Room". 

While the user is in Maintenance and without having to jump back to the MAIN selection screen, how can the user select the Tab "Dry Room" as seen in image, without throwing up or redirecting you?

There are several options:

  • Use a bookmark in your browser. Put a link directly "Punch" and "Maintenance" in the link list of your browser and you can directly jump to that logbook. Different users can define different bookmarks in their browsers.
  • Change the order of the logbooks in the group, like put "Punch" to be the first one in your group. But if you have different users with different permissions this will of course not work for all.
  • Give up groups and just keep a linear list of logbooks. 

2. is not possible. Even if you use "Protect selection page", you will always be redirected to the first logbook after logging in. Maybe I should change that.


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