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icon5.gif   Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Chris Smith on Wed Feb 20 21:13:28 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by David Pilgram on Wed Feb 20 21:52:06 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Chris Smith on Wed Feb 20 23:41:00 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Thu Feb 21 08:12:01 2013 
             icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Chris Smith on Thu Feb 21 20:05:44 2013 
                icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 22 11:40:34 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Thu Feb 21 13:41:25 2013 
Message ID: 67445     Entry time: Wed Feb 20 23:41:00 2013     In reply to: 67444     Reply to this: 67447
Icon: Reply  Author: Chris Smith  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: ELOG V2.7. 
Subject: Re: Multiple versions of elog on one server 

David Pilgram wrote:

Chris Smith wrote:

Is there a way of having multiple copies of elog running on one windows 2003 server? different ports?

I need to access 2 different elogd.cfg files.

 It's probably not of much help, but for a short time I ran two elog daemons on the same linux box, using different ports.  It was thus able to run with two separate elogd.cfg files.   This is linux, and heavily biased to my eccentric way of running this linux box, but started them as:

/usr/local/sbin/elogd -p 8080 -c /home/logbooks1/elogd1.cfg -d /home/logbooks1

/usr/local/sbin/elogd -p 8081 -c /home/logbooks2/elogd2.cfg -d /home/logbooks2

Do note that as I was the only user on that linux box, I didn't have login etc.

However, I was soon asked questions by Andreas as to how I found this running, as he had encountered problems with an earlier version.  To be honest, that stopped me experimenting too far with this at that point, as well as a coincidental upgrading of my hardware.

But I was doing this *not* because I had to run two separate elogd.cfg files, but other reasons which meant splitting into two at that time vastly improved the performance of elog on the linux box at that time.  So while I didn't actually enounter any problems in doing so, I only have limited experience - and, of course, absolutely none on running even one [windows equivalent of a daemon] on Windows.

I am assuming here you have good reason for two separate elogd.cfg files, rather than just wanting to run two separate logbooks - guessing here, but one set public (no login) and one set private (with login)?



 I need to do this because there are 2 different groups that each have 6 or 7 different logbooks in their elogd.cfg files.  (and they can't access each others log books)

Currently the first group  accesses elog as  The elogd windows service executes "C:\Program FilesELOG\elogd.exe" -D -c "C:\Program Files\ELOG\elogd.cfg"  

From what I can tell, whats needed is either some way to get the windows service to run a different config file or there needs to be a way of creating a second elog windows service that points to a different elogd.cfg file. Is there some way of doing this?

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