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icon5.gif   any way to undelete entries?, posted by Mark Bergman on Thu Feb 21 23:23:19 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: any way to undelete entries?, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri Feb 22 08:19:27 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: any way to undelete entries?, posted by Andreas Luedeke on Fri Feb 22 10:58:18 2013 elog_backup_dailyelog_backup_hourlyexclude-logbooks
Message ID: 67454     Entry time: Fri Feb 22 10:58:18 2013     In reply to: 67452
Icon: Reply  Author: Andreas Luedeke  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.92 
Subject: Re: any way to undelete entries? 

Mark Bergman wrote:

 Is there any way within eLog to undelete entries?

 I wrote to scripts to backup the logbook files:

  • elog_backup_daily creates a tar file of all new entries of the last 25 hours and keeps these backups for 90 days
  • elog_backup_hourly creates a tar file of the entries of the last 65 minutes and keeks these backups for one week
  • exclude-logbooks specifies which files not to backup

This allows you at least to recover deleted entries by hand as an administrator.

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Attachment 1: elog_backup_daily  754 Bytes  | Show | Hide all | Show all
Attachment 2: elog_backup_hourly  447 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all | Show all
# source file directory

# backup all files newer than 25 hours
date=$(date -d "-65minutes" "+%Y%m%d %H:%M")
# backup file directory
# backup tar file name
tarf=$tard/$(date +%a%H%M.tar)
rm -f $tarf
# do not backup files that match patterns in this file
# create backup
cd $srcd
tar --ignore-case -X $excf --newer "$date" -cf $tarf . logbooks/*
Attachment 3: exclude-logbooks  123 Bytes  | Hide | Hide all | Show all

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