Stefan Ritt wrote: |
Francois Cukier wrote: |
Is it possible to change the "yellow" background color when running a search ? (I looked in the css, there is nothing...)
Couldn't find any syntax for elogd.cfg
Thanks for your help :)
There are no specific classes for the search dialog, but you can play with the classes "form2", "attribname" and "attribvalue". These classes are used in several places, so all will change in the same way, but maybe that's what you like.
Understand.. So when a search/sort is done, the searched item come up with a yellow background...
The thing is, if you set a "Cell Style XXX= background-color: ZZZ" it become useless since it is replace with the yellow background.
I tried to play with the css but I couldnt figure it out... So you say I cant do anything about it ? I'm just wondering where this yellow color comes from :)

vs the way I would like it to be :
