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icon5.gif   Blockying user access, posted by Gian Henriques on Fri Apr 26 18:39:11 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Blockying user access, posted by Garret Delaronde on Fri Apr 26 19:48:01 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Blockying user access, posted by Gian Henriques on Wed May 8 19:17:09 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Blockying user access, posted by Gian Henriques on Wed May 8 23:15:34 2013 
             icon2.gif   Re: Blockying user access, posted by Garret Delaronde on Fri May 10 17:21:50 2013 
Message ID: 67481     Entry time: Fri Apr 26 19:48:01 2013     In reply to: 67479     Reply to this: 67496
Icon: Reply  Author: Garret Delaronde  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 292-2 
Subject: Re: Blockying user access 

Gian Henriques wrote:

 How can I block access to some tools (like edit, erase, config...) for each user? I want only admin users can edit, erase , etc. 


I want know too, how can I erase configuration of SMTP?  I make a test with the "elogd -t" command and now every time I create a new entry in my log book I receve the mensage of error to send email, cause I don't configure a SMTP host. 

 Hello, you can use the "Deny" flag in the config file for each logbook.


Deny <function> = <user>

Example: Deny Edit = Gian

simply add as many deny functions as you would like. Its a bit of work if you have a lot of logbooks but its the easiest solution.

Hope that helps.


Elog Syntax guide is helpful for this stuff too.

ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6