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Message ID: 67483     Entry time: Fri Apr 26 22:29:50 2013
Icon: Idea  Author: Ryan Blakeslee  Author Email: 
Category: Question  OS: Linux  ELOG Version: 2.5.2 
Subject: Auto-Generate new logbook daily 


I am currently using ELOG as a daily logbook for work performed for customers.  This is a critical tool and process for 1. Showing customers work history 2. having a searchable knowledge base for future reference.  

Currently, I will create a new log entry, assign the customer using a custom ROPTION in my elog.conf.  This process all works fine, mostly, except I run into the following obstacles (that are all human related.)

1. Many days, there are no log entries to be created for a PARTICULAR customer, and other days there are no long entries to be created for ANY customer.

2. Many days when there is a log entry to be created, it's created by me much later then when the work was performed.  For example, I do a bunch of work Tuesday and Wednesday, but I don't have time to enter all my entries until Thursday.  

2A. In this case, I have to manually go back and edit the log entries with text-editor to adjust the times, dates, and such.

2B. In this case, I have log files with a file-name of THURSDAY (042513a.log) for work entries done on Tues and Wed, so I have to go back and rename the log files for consistency sake (mv 042513a.log 042313a.log).  ** I know this is not a requirement of the program, but I like to have the log filenames consistent with the dates contained in them.


All these I admit are human error -- but as a small business owner, I just can't always get to the log entries every day.


To overcome this, the manual solution would: at the beginning of each day, create a new log entry -- regardless of work to be performed and updated later.  This would serve as sort of a place holder.

However, I can't commit myself to always create a log entry for every day either.  Again, human error.


Is what I would like to be able to do is create a new log entry, every single day, automatically.  I would then have a growing log dir of daily log entries (files) for ever day of the week, most blank but some would then contain data that I enter later-- either at the end-of-day or on a day I have downtime and can commit to administrative work.

My thought is I could probably schedule a cron job do to this, but i'm not completely sure how I would go about auto-populating the incremental ID's, dates, etc.  Second, I don't know if there is a way to do this within ELOG itself, or if there is a built-in mechanism that already covers this.


Has anyone run into this, or solved this problem, or can someone kindly point me in the right direction or how I can implement the daily auto creation of logs?


Thank you very much in advance!




ELOG V3.1.5-3fb85fa6