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icon5.gif   Kerberos on VM server 64bit, posted by Hal Proctor on Thu May 2 21:10:23 2013 
    icon2.gif   Re: Kerberos on VM server 64bit, posted by Stefan Ritt on Fri May 3 14:41:01 2013 
       icon2.gif   Re: Kerberos on VM server 64bit, posted by Hal Proctor on Fri May 3 19:09:45 2013 
          icon2.gif   Re: Kerberos on VM server 64bit, posted by Hal Proctor on Fri May 3 19:27:53 2013 
Message ID: 67492     Entry time: Fri May 3 19:27:53 2013     In reply to: 67491
Icon: Reply  Author: Hal Proctor  Author Email: 
Category: Info  OS: Windows  ELOG Version: 2.9.2 
Subject: Re: Kerberos on VM server 64bit 

Hal Proctor wrote:

Stefan Ritt wrote:

Hal Proctor wrote:

 I have a logbook installed on a Windows 64 bit VM server 2008 R2 and can access it fine using the password file.  However when using Kerberos it does not authenticate correctly.  I installed Kerberos and pointed it to the realm an domain controller.  Using KINIT command line it appears to accept my password.  Any help is appriciated.  Perhaps some other diagnostics i could try against the kerberos install

Here is global settings:

port = 49212

ssl = 1 

url =

Authentication = Kerberos, file

Kerberos Realm = DOMAIN.COM

Admin User = me

Max content length = 10485760

Password file = pw.txt

Allow password change = 1  (perhaps this is an issue???)


Also...when adding users to the logbook, do you leave the password blank if using Kerberos?

You can leave the password just blank.

The "Allow password change = 1" does not make any difference. It works here even with this option.

So I have no idea why you have that problem. Does it work on another computer, i.e. is it related to the 64 bit VM machine?

Best regards,


The kerberos install, installed the Network Identity Manager and placed krb5 config in my windows directory.  Can a server run lsass.exe only?   or does the krb5 config file and Network Identity Manager need to be on the server?


 Installed both on a Windows 2003 R2 server (32bit) and Kerberos not authenticating, yet gievs me a ticket thru kinit.

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